
What is Meditation?

Meditation, as a spiritual practice, is about working with the mind and training in awareness. In meditation, the mind is clear, relaxed, and inwardly focused. When meditating, you are fully awake and alert, but your mind is not focused on the external world or on events that are taking place around you. Meditation requires an inner state that is still and one-pointed to allow the mind to become silent. When the mind is silent and no longer distracts you, meditation is deepened. The goal of meditation is to move beyond the mind and experience our essential nature, which is described as peace, happiness, and bliss. When we practice meditation, our mind learns how to access the wealth of qualities that already exist within us and lead to an improved sense of presence, calm, attentiveness. Meditation teaches you to systematically explore your inner dimensions and is a conscious means of becoming more aware of our true identity and breaks down the sense of falseness that we tend to carry as our identity, leading us into our unacknowledged feelings and unloved aspects of our being. Meditation is an experience of some aspect of Love, Light, and Power that is the true self.

people meditating

Some of the many advantages of meditation include the following:

  • Deep relaxation
  • Reduction of depression and anxiety
  • Stress release
  • Increase of serotonin production which positively affects mood and behaviour
  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Building self confidence and self esteem
  • Quieting the unconscious reactionary emotions
  • Increased emotional stability
  • Increased feelings of contentment and peace
  • Increased feelings of connection to others
  • Clearer and sharper thought processes
  • Improvement of concentration and attention
  • Improvement of short term memory and learning potential
  • Strengthening of ability to control thoughts and emotions
  • Increase of self understanding
  • Intuition
  • Being present 
  • Greater self regulation and authenticity
  • Making soul connection
  • Experiencing soul qualities such as patience, tolerance, acceptance, compassion, etc
  • Unity

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